Purpose, Impact, & The Stories That Define Us

Tracy Jackson
When I reflect on fond memories of being a part of the Mercer community, I will always cherish my time with the students I had the privilege of working with in each class. But the class of 2020 will forever hold extra special memories for me because of how they met the unprecedented challenges COVID-19 presented. I remember how this class faced the pandemic and all the uncertainties that came with it, including in-person classes suddenly shifting to online classes; the debate about when and if they would have a commencement ceremony; when and where they would sit for the bar exam (the date changed twice); how the exam would be administered; where they would live after July 2020; and if job offers from 2019 would remain by November 2020, to name a few. It was a lot. They learned how to make lemonade from life’s unpredictable lemons, and they pushed hard to succeed in the year that taught us all about flexibility, learning to pivot, faith, and endurance. The class of 2020 embodies perseverance and resilience like no other class.