Purpose, Impact, & The Stories That Define Us

D. Sarah Young
Class of 2018
Mercer Law changed my life for the better. While my years there were tough, I found some of my greatest friends-turned-chosen-family there. To this day I keep up with so many amazing people that I went to school with and continue to see Mercer Law grads throughout the state in positions of leadership and service. If it were not for Mercer I would not have formed these amazing relationships or discovered my love for Macon. I have continued to give back through volunteering at Mercer Law since graduating and now am an adjunct professor for the advanced legal writing certificate program. I recently got married and had the joy of capturing a picture of the Mercer Lawyers in attendance, as well as current Mercer Law students. What I am most proud of, however, is the fact that my husband now attends Mercer Law as a 1L and is finding his place there too!