Externship II
Externship II
Credit Hours: 2-12 hours
S/U Course
Offered: Fall and Spring
Open to: 2L and 3L
In Externship II, students build upon prior work (though often in a different office than before). Students must work in the public service through a non-profit or governmental office or in a private firm working only on that firm’s pro bono cases or government contracts. There is frequently a modified classroom component with Externship II, with an expectation that students will join Externship I class meetings periodically (this is arranged with each individual professor).
Many students complete an individualized project as the culmination of this course.
When applying for the course, because there is a range of potential course credits, students identify the desired number of field hours and then follow the course credit calculation in the course description.
See Course Catalog for official description.
Course Leadership

Director of Experiential Education and Professor of Law