
Mercer Law’s curriculum offers students the opportunity to participate in in-house clinics taught by full-time faculty members and focused on very specific subject matter and practice areas. In-house clinics operate as their own law firms, both screening and selecting their own cases. Students engage in the investigation, client counseling, and representation of clients in court just as a law firm would.

These classes help close gaps in legal services in Georgia, where there are needs for legal assistance and awareness, or otherwise serve in offices offering important mentoring opportunities.

Law students receive mentoring and skills education on areas ranging from legal writing, litigation strategy, client counseling, fact investigation to case planning, and policy insight. Experiential courses unusually include explicit instruction on the “soft skills” of cultural competence, time management, professional discernment, and stress management, as well as opportunities to apply these skills in real-life legal work.

Clinic Courses

Previously offered

  • Asylum and Human Rights Clinic